I Mubin ul Haider, the most powerful retailer of Nandus Nando's Australia.
Being an entrepreneur is truly an exciting experience. It demands a rare mix of skills and attitudes and involves a lot of inspiring milestones. My success is determined by what I am and what I yearned for. If you are a self motivated person with a sense of basic ethics and if you have strong leadership qualities, competitive spirit and a mind-set to innovate and inspire, half the battle is won. Another important aspect of business is that, realize your ignorance. Yes, know what you don’t know and hire brains to overcome your ignorance. And be willing to fail also. It doesn’t mean that you should fail, but just don’t be afraid of failures. An entrepreneur should be strategically strong and I am. Think, plan and apply innovations to develop meaningful strategies that have a greater chance for success. A brilliant strategy, blockbuster product, or breakthrough technology can put you on the competitive map, but only solid execution can keep you there. The hardest part is plan implementation. Studies show that up to 90% of strategies fail due to poor execution. You have to be able to deliver on your intent. First of all your employees should be committed to the goals of your business. Build up an inspiring and disciplined work culture. Then develop the strategies into action plans that are achievable and involve your employees so as to ensure the needs of the customer and the organization are met. The road to success is going to be long, so enjoy the journey. Keep your goal in mind, yet focus on each foot step and celebrate the milestones along the way. Let‘s move ahead. Many bends and crossroads are waiting. We just need to continually learn and adapt as new information becomes available. At the same time let us be remain persistent to the cause and mission of our enterprise. Thankfully, the road is well travelled and many have developed the knowledge and wisdom to find the success sweet spot.Mubin Ul Haider is a sucessfull business/consulting services provider.